Input of Tamiflex
Conforms to the Tamiflex input specification(Executable Jar)
- 6 large DaCapo datasets (2006-10-MR2)
- 37 Java projects(100% test coverage for byte code instructions)
Download this dataset as input to Tamiflex
Tamiflex Results
TamiFlex captures 3,520 reflective targets
Type 1: Non-constant string arguments of classreceiving methods
Type 2: Constant string arguments of class-receiving methods
Type 3: Framework configuration files
Type 4: Annotations
Others: Other manners (e.g., retrieving from the Internet)
Download this dataset used in RQ1
Maven project
40 projects(100% test coverage for byte code instructions)
Download this dataset used in RQ2
Large-scale analysis
Collect the conditions for the Java project
- Popularity: more than 5 Stars
- Complexity: more than five direct dependencies
Download this dataset used in large-scale analysis
Download this dataset used in RQ3